New Featured Sunset Header for August 2016

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Malaysia Sunset by Damyanti Biswas 

Daily (w)rite


About Damyanti Biswas: 

Image 7-1-16 at 11.03 PM

Damyanti Biswas “loves books, animals, people, often in that order.” She’s an “Author, Blogger, Conversation-starter.” She is of Indian descent and currently lives in Singapore.

“When not nose deep (reading/writing) a book, you can find her pottering about with her plants or her aquariums, or baking up a storm. She would gratefully accept gifts of chocolate, green tea and travel vouchers. Compassion is her only religion, and sleep her favorite (and much needed) form of therapy.”

Damyanti offered a Malaysian sunset for the August feature, and I immediately searched for information on her blog site Daily (w)rite

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There are pages and pages about this experienced freelance writer for non-fiction magazines, shorts stories in the crime and literary genre, and flash fiction. She has published short stories in the US, UK, Singapore, India and Malaysia. On her blog site you’ll also find interviews of prominent publishing professionals, including authors, playwrights, editors, translators, and literary agents.

“Her debut novel in progress has received a grant from the Singapore National Arts Council, and has been long listed for the Mslexia Novel Competition, the Flash500 Novel Opening Chapter and Synopsis Competition, and the Bath Novel Award 2016.”

A very talented writer, her short fiction appears at Bluestream magazine, Griffith Review Australia, Lunch Ticket magazine, The First Line, by New York Writers Workshop, and other journals in the USA, Singapore, and India. Her works can be found featured in print anthologies by Twelve Winters Press, USA (Pushcart Nomination), and by major Publishers in Malaysia and Singapore.

Image 7-1-16 at 11.15 PM

A visit to her blog site is well worth your time. She encourages you to come join the fun! She loves comments, and always visits back. She states, “Blogging is all about being part of a community, and communities are about communication!”

About C.E.Robinson

Christine Elizabeth Robinson, a former nurse practitioner ventures into the world of fiction to write books. Published in May 2022, THREE YEARS OF HER LIFE, a historical fiction, comes from her love of researching family history. A background as a published poet, experience in writing fiction, non-fiction and screenplays, is an advantage in her writing career. Christine lives in Southern California. A sequel to the debut book, THE NINE YEARS THAT FOLLOWED, in progress, will be available in Spring, 2024. The plot explodes and the characters evolve, moving forward. Even their victories create conflict and consequences.
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34 Responses to New Featured Sunset Header for August 2016

  1. Wonderful feature. Beautiful photos. Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dan Antion says:

    I have been following and I have been a fan of Damyanti for several years. I can’t think of a better choice to feature here. That’s a lovely sunset and a wonderful human being. Great choice. Christine

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for the space, Christine! Malaysia is a beautiful country and its beaches feature some of the world’s best sunsets.

    You’re way too kind in what you say about me.

    I’m very happy to welcome some of your visitors to my blog. Hope to send some of mine to you too. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • C.E.Robinson says:

      You are very welcome, Damyanti. It was my pleasure to feature you and your beautiful Malaysia sunset. I also love the family on the beach photo silhouetted at sunset. Over the month expect new and old visitors to stop by. 💛 Christine


  4. Beautiful ! 💖 💘 💝

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Interesting writeup. I paid a visit. I have to drive 150 miles for a Pacific sunset photo.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. macjam47 says:

    A lovely post featuring one of my favorite bloggers.


    • C.E.Robinson says:

      Thanks so much, Michelle! Damyanti is one of my favorites too! I’ve checked out your interesting blog site and following. 💛 Christine (Elizabeth)

      Liked by 1 person

      • macjam47 says:

        Thanks for stopping by and for the follow. I was checking out your blog earlier today! Wow! You certainly have a lot of interesting pages there. I love your dogs. So sweet. I’m a dog lover, but we don’t have a dog. 😦 The closest we come to having a dog is enjoying our granddaughter’s dog Riley. Well, it started out to be our son and daughter-in-law’s, but Josie and Riley are best buds and she calls Riley her dog. Riley is fine with that because Josie will play tug with her anytime and as soon as she started sharing her food with Riley, well, no need to say more.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. C.E.Robinson says:

    Thanks again Michelle for your visit and comment! Happy you found the doggie photos. Yep, Sammy & Charley are our fur babies. Glad you are dog lovers, and you have Riley & Josie nearby! Dogs make a difference in a person’s life! Good therapy! Looking forward to reading more in your blog! 💛 Christine (Elizabeth)


  8. So happy to have Michelle meet you, Christine. Michelle and I have been blog-friends for forever, and she’s one of my most supportive and kindest visitors. Glad you have already found things in common!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I’m off to meet Damyanti. Thank you for introducing us, Christine. Ah, bloggers- what a loving family we are. xo

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Lovely to learn a little more about Damyanti. I’ve been following her for some time now and her blog is always full of valuable information. Congrats, Damyanti, on your grant and long list nominations. Wonderful news. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s been a pleasure following you, Diana. Thanks for your kind wishes and will be over to your blog next week. This week I complete a major deadline and then will give myself up to blog-visiting for a few days!

      Liked by 2 people

  11. What a great way to promote and push other bloggers. Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

    • C.E.Robinson says:

      Thanks, Jason! Every month I promote a new blogger friend & their sunset, or sunrise! I love supporting the blogging community! I’ve seen some beautiful vacation sunsets on your blog site! 💛 Christine Elizabeth


  12. aj vosse says:

    Great post! Indeed, Damyanti’s blog is a well worth experience. I’ve learned much there and she twisted my arm to do the April Challenge this year. Another totally rewarding experience! Damyanti’s advice is often so good it’s hard to understand why she isn’t already widely published! 😉


    • C.E.Robinson says:

      Couldn’t agree with you more! Thanks so much for your visit and comment! Damyanti has an extraordinary blog! I’ve also learned a lot from her writing. 💛 Christine Elizabeth


  13. dweezer19 says:

    Stunning sunset.


  14. Wonderful pictures 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • C.E.Robinson says:

      Thank you so much, Derrick! Happy you liked Sunset header! 💛 Christine


    • C.E.Robinson says:

      Derrick, I sent you an e-mail with sone questions before I feature you and your sunset (February). Haven’t seen any posts lately and wondered if you had taken a break from blogging. Need to know where you are now and if you are changing your blog to more of an illustrated travel type. Did you get the email I sent to Looking forward to hearing from you! 🎼 Christine


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